The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers: Unlock Your Inner Genius UDY$39
The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers is a fascinating concept. It came from a long career of research. Dr. James Rivers spent 34 years as a neuroscientist. He looked at how kids' minds grow. It has captured attention recently.
He found something amazing. Almost all young kids, 98%, are super smart. They have genius-level thinking. But this changes as they get older. Dr. James Rivers Genius Wave theory helps explain this. By their teens, only 12% are still geniuses in thought. This got him curious.
What is The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers?
Dr. James Rivers found a study from NASA. Stanford University also did work on it. It looked at children's brains. By the time people are adults, only 2% have "genius" brains. So, what happens to us? Why do we lose our smarts?
The NASA study checked kids' brain waves. They used a machine called an EEG. This shows how active the brain is. The study showed that kids have a strong "Theta" brainwave. Adults, however, have much less. Their Theta brain waves are not so active. What's the deal with Theta?
Theta Brainwaves and Genius
Scientists think that the Theta brainwave is important. People with strong Theta waves solve problems better. They can also make decisions more easily. It was noted that this brain activity state was very closely connected to an enhanced focus in participants. So this study concluded, in fact, that the increased focus level, coupled with the relaxation, is what made the "brain geniuses".
So, why can't we all just use our Theta waves? This wave was observed to be much lower in those considered non-genius. Dr. James Rivers Genius Wave theory is about this problem. This leads to increased curiosity for this area of the brain. Those that harness their Theta brainwave can more likely make it their reality. Some people can. These individuals can form their own futures, make their dreams real, as was said by some members involved in the studies. A Japanese scientist found something else, which would later come in handy.
They found that being "in the zone," where time passes quickly and a person can be very efficient and be productive, that it's also tied to the Theta brainwave. It can be compared to athletes or musicians reaching their highest efficiency in such times of need. It can be said it was a clear indicator of the brain functioning on an optimal state. It explains their amazing skill, and how the participants manage to solve difficult equations when in said state. Artists, athletes, and geniuses can get into this state whenever they want. That is why they're great at what they do. The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers program tries to help people do this.
Early Life and Genius Potential
Think about your early childhood, as Dr. James Rivers did. Remember playing with friends. Did it not ever feel as if hours was just minutes, but yet it all came clear when thinking back to it, remembering each and every moment, just like when the studies done showed the children having an intense focus. Building a big fort? Getting lost in a game? You probably didn't think much about problems. The genius just poured out of you. Your mind worked fast. You came up with great ideas.
As we get older, it doesn't work like that. It gets very stressful, the mind runs dry of ideas. The flow that we might've once had gets more stagnant with the passing days, weeks, and years. The days are much slower. We don't just lose ourselves in things, so easily. We might get distracted by issues or work, which might hinder or limit our imagination to just the things that are deemed practical by the individual, limiting that individual, to its day-to-day struggles and routine. It limits what one could actually manage to achieve by getting stuck in the moment, without actually using one's brain potential. There are things to do. Deadlines. Worry about this or that, but not this one for some reason, it's so close yet so far, and the thought never gets much progress at all, the idea, the vision of it, it's stuck, but yet its memory so strong as if time had stopped. Life can get tough, when one isn't enjoying the flow. Dr. James Rivers Genius Wave program is for these tough times.
How Stress Changes Us
School starts, and things change. Tests. Homework. People start judging you. Your time might not feel like your own anymore. Your brain shifts its mode of thinking, the things that once used to make the mind go into the so-called "genius" state aren't so relevant anymore, now it must dedicate itself into passing tests and exams, and into proving itself to others. We become more cautious about our choices, and thus start limiting ourselves more as time goes on. We begin limiting what ideas to get.
Your brain, in the Theta state, when facing a choice that makes the brain ponder more, in such cases when such decision-making would usually prove difficult in a "normal" state of mind. Then, suddenly, something switches and one suddenly has access to previously locked knowledge. We do not realize this until after being introduced to the concepts of this area of study, by then one is finally ready to actually work at becoming what they might have previously considered a sort of dream. This is because, instead of seeing a possibility, then facing its hardship as a means to reach it, they just see what they will not manage to do, given enough time, effort, dedication, one will always reach their objective. One's only limit is their state of mind. Stress changes that state of mind. That means when stressed one is more prone to limiting their mind. And this can all come to the lack of the state of being, in the Theta brainwave, according to experts in the matter.
Adults face a lot of this. This can, when overdone, hinder an adult in their endeavors. That state of mind when an adult faces stress from their career. Bills to pay, rent to manage, family, health issues. But in a moment when someone makes you so mad, when the tension feels thick, and the thoughts come out and suddenly the words flow out in rapid manner, and the feeling is overwhelming and the conversation suddenly became louder, the feeling when there is no time to doubt. The pressure on an individual when its fight-or-flight can sometimes do incredible changes in a person's state of mind, but just as quick as the change was done, when the moment passed it comes back to "normal", yet that "normal" may not be how everyone actually feels about how their brains are supposed to feel, maybe you don't enjoy that feeling of a "slow brain". Experts concluded that a "slow brain" might, indeed, come due to not being in the Theta brainwave as much, for when stressed the brain just thinks about protecting itself first, this does not make a genius. This way of life makes it hard to reach that "genius" state.
Tapping Back into Your Genius
The ideas start to come in droves. The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers program uses sound. These aren't just any sounds. They are special sounds. You only listen for seven minutes every day. It takes advantage of sound, as sound is known to make drastic changes in our perception of our environment. These changes when used correctly might come to your benefit in your day-to-day endeavors, which means one will get less stress if it's related to over-thinking when trying to manage various challenges in life. Dr. James Rivers says this is all it takes to help get your Theta wave back. Think about how a very beautiful song, which happens to give one intense pleasure of the listening, might suddenly allow us to go into this meditative, almost, flow of our mind, where one isn't limited in our brain functions, to put it briefly, as shown in the past studies.
Imagine not feeling like that child, at least from time to time, like your mind being very relaxed. Then having so many good ideas when doing work or art. Having great conversations. This can be compared to watching a film on theater, with its overwhelming loud audio setting. That time is special. Imagine what would happen, if the effect of having such an intensity of a good film that allowed the viewer to lose their thoughts into its film. What would happen if one manages to, somehow, tap into such levels of intense relaxation and the feeling of being involved, like in a film, what if we could control it, that would be The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers. That's the aim of The Genius Wave Dr. James Rivers.
This can be compared to feeling "reborn" for some people. Your best days? It aims to have many days feel as productive. You can use that genius wave again.
When people can finally start seeing this area of study in this specific topic from an analytical and well researched perspective, they will then start understanding the need of their Theta brainwave and its importance when they look back into their most important memories of intense activity where the brain could be said to have "worked fast" or "worked in flow".When it's easier to make good choices, that might lead you to get less stressed over the situation, it might open a door of potential when the flow feels right and when the flow makes one feel just how a "genius" is supposed to. This might be what most individuals seek in their day to day. Some may say, as a conclusion to the experiments done that getting this state of mind will bring them a very pleasant change in their overall view in many different aspects of their lives. And then, in such cases as those who said those words, we must pay closer attention and study, for it's such an incredible part of our brains that allows one to, when having full potential of the Theta brainwave, make all their endeavors so easy that when they find the zone, everything starts to work.
The Genius Wave Reviews was first published on WEALTH CODE (DNA CODE) Channel